Real Estate Agents Register with Tamil Nadu RERA
More than 29 more real estate agents had registered with the Tamil Nadu Real Estate Regulatory Authority (TNRERA) in the one month between October 23 and November 22, taking the total number to 161, according to data available on TNRERA’s portal, said the news reports.
Reports added that, of the total of 161, as many as 99 have registered under the category of firm and 62 as individual real estate agents. About 130 real estate agents are based in Chennai.
The Tamil Nadu Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017 was notified by the state government on June 22. As per the rules, real estate agents shall maintain books of account, records and documents in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Those registering as individuals should pay a registration fee of Rs 25,000 and others under the category of firms must pay Rs 50,000 towards the registration fee, said reports.